Your Child Will Enjoy This Workshop That Mixes Dance, Art, Music, and Culture

Our Flamenco Dance Workshop is the perfect program for your child to be immersed in history, movements, expressions, and colors. There is so much life in every class that our students never really feel that it is an actual lesson. We will begin with the basics of posture, music, movement, and rhythm. Then we complement this with lectures on geography, language, history, and Spanish culture. 

Your child will get a jumpstart on attaining better health and fitness, and not to mention a lot of great cultural tidbits too!

Our Workshops Bring Out the Best in Our Students

Our flamenco dance workshops aim to provide the best training in technique and form for our students. Beyond that, we also want to see them come out of their shell and grow into confident, creative, and optimistic individuals. We teach them that flamenco is more than the movements but about expression. Every student is different, and we aim to bring out their strengths and improve their limitations. So join us and meet new people along the way for a wonderful experience!

Workshops That Teach Valuable Life Skills